Jennifer Lopez, 44, parades perfect figure as she flirts with nearly naked men on yacht while shooting music video

At age 44 Jennifer Lopez looks better than ever and she’s not afraid to let the world know it.

On Wednesday the Bronx born beauty slipped into a skintight white outfit, complete with short hot pants, to shoot a music video for We Are One World Cup in Miami, Florida.

To drive home the point she’s desirable, the beauty was filmed with several young, buff men in skimpy bathing bottoms who couldn’t stop staring at the singer’s body.

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White hot woman: Jennifer Lopez shows off her perfect figure to two nearly naked models during a World Cup video shoot in Miami, Florida on Wednesday

Who wears short shorts?: The 44-year-old showed off a fit backside as she walkedaong the sleek yacht

The American Idol judge looked like a pro as she struck sℯxy poses here and there in front of the swarthy men.

In one pose the Maid In Manhattan star looked down on the models as if they were her prey as she stuck out her right knee and held her sunglasses over her head.

In another shot, the Parker actress leaned on the boat’s rail as she stuck on out her derriere for the men to gawk at. Interestingly, her boyfriend Casper Smart was also on deck during the shoot. He kept his shirt on.

I like it like that: J-Lo let one of the mannequins get a good, long look at her famous derriere (in $950 Ashton Michael shorts, no less) as she leaned on the rail of the vessel

She likes what she sees too: The American Idol judge slid down her sunglasses to get an eyeful of the hunk who looked like a beefy version of Scott Disick

Blanco caliente: The Baila singer looked serious at one point

Those short shorts weren’t from Forever 21. They were by designer Ashton Michael from his SS’14 collection and cost $950.

Jenny, as she’s known to friends, looked groomed to the nines with her long hair pulled back in a tiered ponytail.

Her long white nails perfectly manicured.

High white and gold heels made her toned legs appear even longer.

Chunky gold earrings and a Lucite cuff with a lock on it spelled sophistication.

Gold aviators added a touch of cool.

The ex of singer Marc Anthony – who split from his young girlfriend Chloe Green earlier this month – looked more relaxed when she was talking to the video crew.

The Monster-In-Law actress also appeared pensive as she sat down to look at her cell phone.

The day before the Jenny From The Block singer was seen in the company of her mother Guadalupe Rodriguez.

She was dressed in colorful carnival attire to shoot another portion of the World Cup video.

The former Fly Girl proved she still has the moves as she shimmied and swayed to the music.

The looker will have to return to Los Angeles soon, however, to shoot more Idol.

Feel their chemistry?: The On The 6 hit maker knew how to use her sℯxy eyes on her video co-star

Jenny on the go: Six inch white and gold heels made her legs look extra long

Soaking up the sun: The mother of two was glammed to the nines with chunky gold jewelry and white nails as she did take after take in the Miami heat

Work it: The hyphenate took time out to talk with the crew about her scenes

If you could see me now: Jennifer sure has come a long way from her days living in the Bronx

Boys, boys and more boys: Lopez was one of the few women on the luxury yacht

Come and get it men: The LA resident seemed to love showing off her enviable assets which have been featured in over two dozen music videos

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